US ITER Research Needs Workshop on February 9

In response to community planning activities and reports over the last few years, we have been asked by DOE’s Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) to organize a Research Needs Workshop that can bring the community into discussions leading toward a US ITER Research Program. The charge for this workshop includes both the scope of research and how we should organize to carry it out.

This workshop will welcome participation by scientists, engineers, and technologists at all career stages (student through senior levels), from all types of institutions (university, lab, industry), and represent the full diversity of our community. ITER is going to be a big part of our future and we don’t want to leave anybody behind.

The workshop will be a series of virtual events, starting with a kickoff meeting in early February, followed by a number of small group discussions, and concluding with a final meeting in May. We recognize that everybody is very busy already, and we believe we have laid out a process that can have the full desired impact while minimizing the demand on your time. We anticipate that most participants will spend less than a cumulative 40 hours.

How to get started: Please head over to US ITER Research* and click on the registration link. The website also contains the charge, a list of questions for the breakout sessions, a tentative calendar, and instructions for submitting white papers. We will continue during the next few weeks to populate the site with the background material referenced in the charge and detailed agendas for the plenary meetings.

Please contact Chuck Greenfield and Cami Collins with any questions, requests, or suggestions. You can also use the contact form available on the US ITER Research website. We’re looking forward to working with you now so we can move forward together as ITER prepares to operate.

* We have been made aware that some institutions are blocking access to this URL. This is because some systems block new domain names for up to 30 days. If you are unable to access the website through this URL please try

Media Contact

Andrea Schneibel